AP Rotational Motion Practice
AP Rotational Motion Practice
Rotational Kinematics
ROT 1. Rotation Mult Represenations
I can express the motion of a rotating object using narrative, mathematical, and graphical representations.
- Includes using rotaitonal kinematic equations.
ROT 2. Conversion
I can convert between translational and rotational equivalents.
Rotational Dynamics
ROT 3. Calculate Torque
I can calculate torques on a two-dimensional system in the static equilibrium, by examining a representation or model (such as a diagram or physical construction).
ROT 4. Rotational Motion N2L
I can make predictions about the change in angular velocity about an axis for an object when forces exerted on the object cause a torque about that axis.
Rotational Conservation Laws
ROT 5. Angular Momentum Calculations
I can describe or calculate the angular momentum and rotational interia of a system in terms of the locations and velocities of the objects that make up the system. I am expected to do qualitative reasoning with compound objects. I am expected to do calculations with a fixed set of extended objects and point masses.
ROT 6. Conservation of Angular Momentum
I can predict the behavior of rotational collision situations by the same processes that are used to analyze linear collision situations by using an analogy between impulse and change of linear momentum and angular impulse and change of angular momentum.
ROT 7. Angular Impulse
I can use appropriate mathematical routines to calculate the values for initial or final angular momentum, or change in angular momentum of a system, or average torque or time during which the torque is exerted in analyzing a situation involving torque and angular momentum.