Physics Lab Practical

Experimental Investigation

Quick Links

  1. Station 1: Block on Ramp and Hints
  2. Station 2: Fan Cart and Hints
  3. Station 3: Bungee Einstein and Hints

Your Mission

Find the unknown quantity at each station using:

  • Physical Measurements
  • Newton's Laws
  • Your physics knowledge

Lab Notebook Requirements

  1. Initial Sketch with measurements (add in as you measure)
  2. Free Body Diagram with all forces
  3. Free Body Diagram Redrawn with force components
  4. Force Components show calculations
  5. Problem-Solving Process solve for unknown - show all work
  6. Uncertainty Analysis estimate uncertainty on all of your measurements


  1. Block on Ramp: Find minimal
  2. Fan Cart: Find fan force
  3. Bungee Doll: Find mass
  4. Bonus: Sliding friction

Tips for Success

  • Start with what you know
  • Draw clear diagrams
  • Write out equations before plugging in numbers
  • Check units!
  • Think about uncertainties

Station Instructions

Station 1: Block on Ramp

Setup: Block on adjustable ramp with protractor
Task: Find minimum coefficient of static friction


  • Wooden block
  • Adjustable ramp
  • Protractor (plastic or app on your phone)
  • Electronic Balance


  1. Find maximum coefficient of static friction
  2. Solve without mass measurement

Station 2: Fan Cart

Setup: Fan cart on level track
Task: Determine fan force


  • Fan cart & track
  • Labquest & Motion Sensor
  • Electronic Balance


  1. Find fan force for each setting
  2. Use known fan force to find an unknown mass

Station 3: Hanging Doll

Setup: Doll suspended by rubber bands
Task: Find doll's mass


  • Spring scales

Bonus Station: Risky Business

Bonus Station: Risky Business

Setup: Sliding person or object on level surface

Task: Determine coefficient of kinetic friction


  • Video Analysis
  • Motion Sensor
  • Stop Watch
  • Metersticks or long tape measure

Process & Expectations

  1. One group at a station at a time
  2. Do not use hints unless you are stuck -> but try hints before asking me for problem-solving help.
  3. If/when finished early:
    • choose between extension options at the different stations
    • OR solve Risky Business station
    • if you finish one go to the other

Station 1 Hints

  1. Consider forces parallel to ramp
  2. Remember:

Check work from yesterdays class (packet pages 9 & 10)

Station 2 Hints

  1. Measure acceleration from velocity time graph
  2. What forces act horizontally?

Station 3 Hints

  1. Split angled forces into components
  2. Remember to sum the vertical and horizontal forces
  3. Mass and Weight () are different!